Every born-again child of God has received the measure of faith from the Lord. The Word tells us that faith comes by hearing the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. So, when you heard the Gospel at salvation, faith came
Interacting with Light
Light simply means to experience something or somebody; it is having intimate knowledge of something or somebody. Light is experience, and experience is light. Experience is personal light; it is light that has come home to you; it is light
Meditating in the Word
Meditation is the art of contemplating the Word such that it becomes the image and delight of the heart which influences one’s manner of speech or communication and perspective to life. Our opening Scripture tells us that meditation determines our
Go Forward!
As good as it is to keep up with the news and happenings around us for information purposes, much more, as believers we must keep up with the promises of God concerning us in the Scriptures. Beloved, are you aware
Breaking Through in Life
Our opening Scripture speaks of the account of the man sick with the palsy, who could not walk. Many people wanted to see Jesus and hear Him speak, and a crowd was gathered in the room where He was. But
“Such as I Have”
God doesn’t need a special introduction of Himself to be known, for when He is made manifest, people can tell who He is. The glory of God is unique to Him, and His manifestation always comes with His glory. When
Have A Strong Desire to be Filled with the Spirit
Our opening Scripture reveals the passionate call of the Master to everyone that thirst. “…Jesus stood and cried, saying, if any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.” This Scripture speaks getting filled with the Spirit. What did
The Outpouring of the Spirit
Today’s opening Scripture tells us that the wilderness will become a fruitful field, and the fruitful field will be counted as a forest, when the Spirit of God is poured upon us from on high. Evidently, restoration, fruitfulness and increase
It Will Happen by the Spirit
Mary had a wonderful prophecy from the angel of God. The angel had told her “…behold, you shall conceive in your womb, and bring forth a son, and shall call his name JESUS.” She then asked, “How shall this be,
Staying Filled with the Spirit Through Prayer
There are a lot of believers that once upon a time got filled with the Spirit but are not Spirit-filled in real time anymore. There is a world of difference between getting Spirit-filled and staying Spirit-filled. Instead of asking believers