16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
27 The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, searching all the inward parts of the belly.
Today’s opening Scripture shows us the primary way by which the Spirit of God guides God’s children. It tells us that the Spirit bears witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God. Having been born again, knowing from within your heart or spirit that you are God’s child is precious and priceless. It is important to know in your heart that you are God’s child, so you can behave like the child of God that you are. As important as that knowledge is, the Father chooses to bring such knowledge to us by the witness of the Spirit of God with our spirit. Can anything or any knowledge in Christ be more important than knowing that we are children of God? No, not one! That’s why this is the primary way God leads us – by the inner witness of the Spirit of God. Therefore, it is important that we give heed to the prompting or witness of the Spirit with our spirit. The Spirit leads us from inside out. This is why you, as a child of God, must not ignore the promptings of God within you. If something happens on the outside, learn to check within you before responding. How do you feel on the inside about it? What is happening on the inside? Deep in your heart, how do you feel about the matter? What’s the perception of your spirit of the situation? On the outside, it may sound very good, like an offer of a lifetime but deep within you, what do you perceive? Learn to follow the witness of the Spirit within your spirit. It may take time to master this way of receiving guidance from God, but make sure to master it. You will always win when you follow the witness of the Spirit within you.
Many a times, truth cannot be known at first glance or by mere appearance. When you consider appearance, you may not know the truth about the situation but when you look inward, you can discern the reality or truth about the situation. The witness of the Spirit of God on the inside tells you the truth about the matter. This is how God guides His children into opportunities; He communicates truth to our spirits by His Spirit within us. The Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are God’s children; as important as that is, that’s the same way God is going to bear witness with our spirit concerning His will for us; concerning the next step to take in life. So, let the Spirit of God lead you.
My Solid Front (Confession):
In the Name of Jesus, I declare that my heart is always sensitive to the Holy Spirit, therefore I walk in the right path at all times. I declare that I am led aright; at every point in time, I will always know what the Lord will have me do, in Jesus Name. Amen.
Further Meditation:
Psalms 16:7; Psalms 51:6.