Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary [a]edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.
So we may boldly say:
“The Lord is my helper;
I will not fear.
What can man do to me?”
Few Christians have recognized the place confession holds in the scheme of things. Our words rule us. Our faith rises and falls on our confession. Nothing builds or destroys faith like words. Our continual speaking and contemplation determine our faith. You really are as faith-filled as what you hear consistently. Words make up faith or unbelief. Most times when the subject of confession is mentioned, people quickly think of confession of sins, weakness and failure. Confession is not limited to that. There is a broader meaning and application of confession. Confession is affirming something that we believe; it is testifying of something that we know. It is witnessing of a truth that we have embraced. Confession holds a very large place in Christianity. Think about this: The Lord Jesus planned that the blessings of the Gospel be shared and received by people through preaching, which is a form of confessing or witnessing the Gospel to the world. That should let you know the place confession holds in Christianity.
What should our confession be centred on? Our confession centres on several things: First, what God in Christ has done for us; second, what God through the Word and the Spirit has wrought in us; third, what we are to the Father in Christ; and last of all, what God can do through us, or what the Word will do through our lips. When it comes to confessing the Word, it is what you know personally about Jesus Christ and about what you are in Him that counts. How few of us dare to confess to the world what the Word declares that we are in Christ! For example, 2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us that we are new creatures in Christ. We are to make bold to declare this to the world, to Satan, and to ourselves continually.
Understand that the secret of confession is in three things: Conviction, Consistency and Consecration. Be convinced of what you are confessing through meditation. Be consistent with your confession as a daily commitment. Be devoted to saying just one thing, no matter what; have just one confession!
In the Name of Jesus Christ, I declare that my mouth is an expression of truth and grace. I speak the truth of the Word concerning me. I am a doer of the Word, not a hearer only. Amen.
Further Meditation: Psalms 1:1-5; Joshua 1:22-25.