Righteousness will go before Him, And shall make His footsteps our pathway.
The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Yes, I have a good inheritance.
We have learnt what it means for the child of God to be justified. Understand that justification is a gift from God given to the child of God through faith. It is not a reward of our labour, but a blessing of our faith in Christ Jesus (Romans 5:17). From our opening Scripture, the Word tells us that righteousness shall go before the Lord and shall set us in the way of His steps. Here, there are three things that stand to be considered. First, it is the force of righteousness; second, righteousness going before Him; and third, the way of His steps. The force of righteousness is evident in the opening Scripture by how it sets us in the way of Jesus’ steps. We can see the propelling, setting force of righteousness on us, such that it sets us in the way of Jesus’ steps. So, the moment anyone believes in Jesus Christ, righteousness sets him, righteousness aligns him, righteousness propels him in the way of Christ’s steps. When you got born again, righteousness went ahead of you and set you in the way of Christ’s steps. If you walk by faith and follow the Lord according to His Word, you will never miss your steps again in life. Hallelujah!!!
There is the way of Christ’s steps. There is the path of righteousness. There is a path that you must follow. David says in Psalms 23:3 that Lord leads him in the paths of righteousness for His Name sake. There are paths of righteousness in life that God cut out for you to follow before the foundation of the world. These are paths of grace and victory designed for you to follow. How do you walk in these paths? David says, the Lord leads you in them. How? By the alignment of righteousness. Righteousness here, is of faith, of absolute trust in the Lord. When you remember how you got saved, how that it was not your struggle that brought you salvation, but His goodness and your faith in Him, then you will understand that the alignment of righteousness is following in His steps, taking steps as the Lord leads you. Hallelujah!!! The moment you begin to live by faith, trusting God to lead you every step of the way, you come into alignment with God’s plan and purpose for your life. You will find yourself at the right place, at the right time, with the right people, hearing the right information. That’s the force of justification.
My Solid Front (Confession):
I declare according to God’s Word, that the lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places because I have received the gift of righteousness by faith in Christ. I have been brought into alignment with God, therefore my steps are continually ordered by Him, and I walk in His plan for my life. Amen.
Further Meditation: Psalms 37:23; Romans 5:1.