In the Atonement and Substitutionary Work of Christ, salvation from sin and healing from disease were equally and simultaneously provided for. The same Lord that died for our sins was also beaten for our healing. The opening verse tells us
Receiving God’s Medicine
The same way natural pharmaceutical drugs work in our body only when we have used them according to the doctor’s prescription, so does the Word after we have received it into our heart. The Word doesn’t work for you just
The Word Is Healing and Health to Us
When we find the Word of God, it then becomes life to us. Our opening verse in Proverbs 4:22 tells us that God’s Word is life and health to all our flesh. The word “health” simply means medicine, which in
The Real Christian Life
Christianity is relationship with God, not an empty religion of creeds and vain devotion. God’s utmost goal and purpose of Christianity is fellowship with Him based on relationship. The essence of Christianity is the union of man with God in
The Great Mystery Revealed
Christ indwelling the human spirit is the mystery of mysteries. In our opening verse, Paul by the Holy Spirit reveals the supreme mystery of all the revelation of God; the finality of all the wonders that he knew in the
Christ in You
Today’s opening verse reveals that there is a mystery that had been hidden for ages from the people of old but is being revealed to us by the Spirit of God, which is Christ in us, the hope of glory.
How God Counts Faith
Have you ever been in a situation where you believe that you are serving God but your service unto God isn’t paying off? Have you ever felt like God is not looking in your direction, though you are praying and
Benefits of Justification
Justification is the declaring of a person to be just or righteous, spared from the penalty of sin or wrong. It is a legal term signifying acquittal; it is also a theological term signifying peace with God having been forgiven
Eternal Life: Our Victory Life
Today’s opening Scripture tells us that the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Here, it refers to eternal life as a gift of God that comes through Jesus
Crucified with Christ
Crucifixion connotes judgement, condemnation and public shame. Crucifixion is the way to death; it never points to life. Our opening Scripture reveals that Paul as much and as well as every believer in Christ has been crucified with Christ. What