God wants us to know His will and not only that, but He also wants us to know His perfect will for us. You may ask, “Isn’t the will of God perfect?”. Yes, it is! But in knowing the will
We Have a More Sure Word of Prophecy
The Written Word of God is surer than a voice speaking from heaven. There is nothing as sure or surer than the Written Word of God. Even in the temptation in the wilderness, Jesus engaged the power of the Written
Faith Perfected by Christ
Chapter 11 of the book of Hebrews tells us of the past heroes of faith. Chapter 12 of the book of Hebrews shifts the focus from the past heroes of faith to those reading the book of Hebrews and us
Look Forward to a Glorious Future!
Today’s opening verse speaks of the faith of Joseph. It tells us that Joseph through faith when he was dying, made mention of the departing of the children of Israel from Egypt; and gave a charge that his bones be
The Faith of Rehab
Faith, with the results it brings, is no respecter of persons. Anyone and everyone can repose faith in God, their background notwithstanding. Peter, by the Holy Spirit, in Acts 10:34-35 said, “of a truth I perceive that God is no
The Logic of Faith
Faith has its own unique logic, which does not, most of the time, tally with common sense. Common sense sure has its place, but when faith steps in, common sense must submit to faith. The intelligence of common sense is
Faith: Substance of Things Hoped for
Today’s opening verse tells us that Moses kept the Passover through faith. The Passover is a feast inaugurated by God in Egypt to avert from Israel the plague of destroying the firstborn of both man and beast. God instructed Moses
The Choices of Faith
Moses is the big name of the Old Testament. During his day came the exodus from Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea, wandering in the wilderness, receiving the Law, and leading Israel in the wilderness. Moses also wrote Genesis
Blessings Through Faith
Our stories of faith continue in the book of Genesis with Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. God made a promise to Abraham that he would be the father of many nations and that the world would be blessed through him. God
Faith Judges God Faithful
We have faith in God only because He is faithful. We cannot truly trust and believe in an unfaithful person; his words are unreliable, and his bond is worthless. Faithfulness alone forms the foundation of faith. God’s Word is credible