Abraham’s faith in God is one of a kind. In the compendium of faith, his faith stands out. Why? Abraham’s obedience of faith to God’s instruction staggers the natural mind in a strange display of an unswaggering faith in God.
The Obedience of Faith
Bible faith always demands and creates action. How did Noah show that he had faith in God? What would have been the result if Noah had said, “Lord, I believe you will flood the earth, but I don’t really feel
An Excellent Sacrifice by Faith
Our opening Scripture tells us about the sacrifices or offerings of Cain and Abel which they gave to God. One question that usually comes up when discussing Cain and Abel is why Abel’s sacrifice was better than Cain’s. We are
Faith Demonstrated at Creation
Creation reveals the greatness, awesomeness, and glory of God. Looking at the created world, we can tell that there sure is an invisible intelligence behind it. The Bible tells us that in the beginning, God created the heavens and the
Two Dimensions of Salvation
Salvation can never be earned, not by works of self-righteousness, not by good works, and not by our own labour. It is the gift of God. Human labour can never produce salvation from sin’s plague; it is the work of
A New Creation in Christ
If you have ever made a mistake, which you have and everyone has, your strongest desire or prayer is to have another chance to make it right. There is nothing as beautiful as the blessing and miracle of another chance
Our Position and Walk in Christ
Our position in Christ ought to inform our walk in Him. When we understand where we stand in Christ, then we can walk in that realm as we ought to. Today’s opening verse tells us that when Christ Jesus was
Seated with Christ in Heavenly Realms
When God the Father is often described in the Bible in His reign and endless dominion, He is described as the One who sits upon the throne (Revelation 5:13; 7:10; 21:5). Seating position connotes rest (Psalm 110:1). It also connotes
Christ Jesus: The Substance of Our Hope
Our opening verse tells us that Christ Jesus suffered for our sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us back to God; He was put to death in the flesh but quickened or made alive by the
Made by Grace
Our opening Scripture reveals to us how we got saved. It says our salvation happened by grace through faith; it didn’t happen by our own strength, but by the strength of God, the grace of God, which came as a