Our opening Scripture clearly describes the current state of some believers, they are in a spiritually inactive position of sleeping, slumbering and insensitivity. When a man is asleep, he is not actively engaging the potentials and the giftings of God
Being Led by the Holy Spirit
As a child of God, you cannot do life by yourself. You need a guide and God has made adequate provisions for you to be guided. First, you need a guide in the person of the Holy Spirit who dwells
Call on God, He Will Answer You
Whenever there is a desire in your heart or a request which you desire of the Lord, the first step to take is not to look for a scriptural reference that will best suit your desire. You begin by going
Light of the Word
Our opening Scripture reveals the attribute of God to us, that God is light. As a child of God, it is the light of God that you ought to see by. Psalms 36:9 says, “For with thee is the fountain of
What Manner of Love!
Love is the visible attribute of God; it is the very visibility of the essence of God’s life. Our opening Scripture reveals that God is Love. 1 John 4:16 says, “And we have known and believed the love that God
Served by Wealth!
Wealth is meant to serve you. As a child of the Most High God, the Possessor of heaven and earth, you are not meant to live from hand to mouth, for your Father God owns all the wealth both in
Give to the Poor!!!
When God called Abraham out in Genesis 12, He made a promise to bless him so much that He would be a blessing to others. You are the seed of Abraham (Galatians 3:29) and the same inheritance is yours. You
The Prayer of Supplication
The Apostle Paul in our opening Scripture was making a definite request unto God on behalf of the believers at Ephesus. He was supplicating on their behalf, making a definite request that God would give unto them the Spirit of
God Cannot Lie: You Can Trust Him!
God has never lied to anyone; He can’t lie to you. He cannot lie because He Himself is the Truth. Psalms 89:35 says of God, “Once have I sworn by my holiness that I will not lie unto David.” The Bible
You Are Blessed to Live in Health
Health is your heritage in Christ. When Jesus died, the same price He paid for your salvation was also paid for your healing. Our opening Scripture reveals that Jesus was wounded for our transgression and was bruised for our iniquities.