The subject of prosperity is much more than money, as many people think of prosperity only in financial terms. There are three sides or dimensions of prosperity: First, prosperity with God, that is, walking with God and having a life
You Are Blessed!!!
2 Corinthians 5:17 describes the man who is born again, the new creation man. It says “…old things have passed away…” The old things of sin and all its consequences have passed away. From Genesis 3, after the fall of
God’s Will for Marriage
The Pharisees and the Sadducees had a misconception concerning marriage because Moses had told them to issue a certificate of divorce to their wives if they were not pleased with them anymore. However, Jesus said to them, “in the beginning
Maintain the Posture of the Blessing
There is a posture of receiving and walking in the blessing. The word “blessed” means to kneel and get empowered by a superior; it connotes submission and obedience to God. To walk in the blessing, you need to walk in
You Are Blessed to Exercise Dominion!
From our opening Scripture, we see the second thing that stands out in God’s great plan, purpose and will for man. God said, “…let them have dominion…” Design speaks of purpose. God’s purpose for man is to have dominion over
You Are the Image of God!
Our opening Scripture reveals the plan of God for man at creation. The word ‘God’ from this verse is from the root word ‘Elohim,’ which is used in the plural form, that is, God in three Persons but in one
Ask and You Will Receive!
The Apostle Paul emphasized the place of supplication for the believer. This is an aspect many believers, especially in the New Testament Church need to pay attention to, so as not to err. Some Christians do not ask God for
Receive Help from the Holy Spirit
As a believer, the Holy Spirit is your Helper. He is the One sent by the Father to be with us. This same Holy Spirit has a will of His own and you have a will of your own too.
The Holy Spirit Is the Revealer of Truth
God didn’t create man with extraordinary abilities in themselves without God. The project called ‘man’ according to Genesis 1:26 shows that man cannot be what God intended them to be without God. Why? Man is the image of God. Your
The Holy Spirit Is Your Helper
In our opening Scripture, the Lord Jesus calls the Holy Spirit ‘our Comforter’. In Greek, the Word Comforter is Parakletos – the One who is sent alongside another to help, to stand by, to assist, to lift, to prop up.