Eternal redemption is a divine buy back from sin and all its consequences, which is meant to be everlasting. From our opening Scripture, we understand that the Bible is very clear about the truth that the redemption that God has
You Have Victory Over Fear!
Our opening Scripture reveals that God has not given us the spirit of fear. When the Word tells you what you have in Christ apart from what you do not have, take careful note of the details and facts. You
The Word Alone Is Your Reality
Some people are in Christ but are not experiencing the truth of God’s Word. They go through all kinds of terrible experiences inconsistent with the Word. Why? Because they have not deliberately yielded themselves to the reality that is available
We Have Redemption in Christ!
To some people, redemption is a theological word, to others, it has an affiliation with some denominations. However, according to the Word of God, redemption is a fact! Our opening Scripture reveals that in Christ, we have redemption through His
Free from Satan’s Control!
The Bible is not a book of history; it is the Word of God. As a beloved child of God, you must treasure every word that is written in the Word concerning you. You have to learn to take the
Delivered from the Power of Darkness
Our opening Scripture reveals that God has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light. God qualified you, not because you were qualified by yourself; but He qualified you because of Jesus. So, it is
Knowing God Through the Prayer of Thanksgiving
Many people may have read about God in the Bible but have not yet experienced Him personally. God is more than a record of Him in the pages of the Bible; He really wants you to experience Him one on
Experiencing God by Acknowledging Him as God
Acknowledgement of God for who He is, must be consistent with His eternal character. God does things for who He is; everything He does emanates from who He is, His eternal character. God is going to use His power to
Acknowledgement: Faith Reinforcement
The disciples of Jesus gathered to pray when the Sanhedrin threatened them not to speak in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, after that a notable healing miracle had happened to the man, who was lame from his mother’s
Acknowledgement: Prayer Reinforcement
Our opening Scripture shows us the conversation that took place between Jesus and His heavenly Father, which is a classic example of how He prayed in His earthly life. Prayer, here, as Jesus prayed, revealed His understanding and acknowledgement of