Justification is freedom from guilt, condemnation, and the judgment of sin. Sin is a deviation from God’s normal or order; sin is disorderliness. The moment anyone reposes faith in Jesus Christ, he is justified from guilt, condemnation, and judgement of
Justified by Faith
Today’s opening Scripture shows us that justification from sin and its guilt is solely by faith apart from the deeds of the law. What then is Justification? Justification is righteousness. It simply means rightness with God. Justification is the rightness
The Just Shall Live by Faith
Today’s opening Scripture reveals the importance of faith to us. It tells us that the just shall live by faith, which means that the Christian life is a life of faith from scratch to finish. We are justified from sin’s
The Attitude of Faith
We are told in the opening Scripture that Abraham believed God, even God who gives life to the dead, and calls the things that do not exist as though they did. That’s the attitude of faith. When faith is speaking,
You Are Blessed with Believing Abraham
Abraham is a template; he is more than an individual. In Genesis 12, God said that in Abraham and His seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed. That by itself makes him a template, a seed, an
Are You Looking Forward to a Glorious Future?
Today’s opening verse speaks of the faith of Joseph. It tells us that Joseph through faith when he was dying, made mention of the departing of the children of Israel from Egypt; and gave a charge that his bones be
Maintaining the Right Perspective of Life Through Thanksgiving
It is true that we see God through our attitude towards Him. Your perception of God is determined by your attitude towards Him. Gratitude appreciates God and acknowledges Him as God but ingratitude refuses to accord unto God His worth
Activating the Blessing Through Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is acknowledgment of God as Source and Provider. Through thanksgiving, you acknowledge Him as God for who He is and for what He has done for you. You simply acknowledge God as good and gracious. Psalms 107:1 tells us,
Be Spiritually Minded!
According to our opening Scripture, your mindedness is what determines what you get in life. To be carnally minded is death. Carnal mindedness produces death. What you think is what you get. Then it says, to be spiritually minded is
Your Imagination Is Powerful
Today’s opening Scripture speaks of the power of imagination. Imagination is the image making power of the mind. It is the act of creating or reproducing ideally an object not previously perceived; it is the ability to create such images.