Faith is a spiritual virtue that has the capacity to grow. In our opening verse, we are told that the faith of the Church at Thessalonica grew exceedingly; not sparsely or sparingly, but greatly. It is good to know that
Abraham’s Faith Simplified!
Abraham’s faith is a template for every believer to follow; for he lived by faith and his faith was perfected by God and set as an example for believers to follow. Abraham is the father of faith. When it comes
Faith: The Bridge Between the Spiritual and the Physical
As we study the Book of Hebrews 11, we read about the stories of men who knew God very personally. Some of them even spoke with God, one on one. What is more, some of them even saw God and
Winning Life’s Battles
Life comes with its own peculiar challenges. The Lord has reassured us that we shall face tribulations in this world, but that we should be of good cheer, for He has overcome the world for us. In essence, victory is
Get Ready for an Upgrade
The Scripture before us today speaks of the upgrade system of God. How God gives us the better instead of the good, the best instead of the better, and takes us from best to glory, and from glory to glory.
Step into Prepared Resources!
Today’s opening Scripture speaks of sucking the milk of the Gentiles and the breast of kings. What does this mean? It means that God is going to cause you to step into prepared resources. Breast milk is some fine food
Follow God’s Plan for You
God is a God of plans and purposes. He works all things according to the counsel of His will (Ephesians 1:11). God has a great plan for you. He designed your destiny before the world began. He carefully thought about
God Is Not Hidden; He Does Manifest in the Physical
Today’s opening Scripture tells us that God appeared to Abram. John 4:24 tells us that God is a Spirit, and though the physical senses cannot perceive Him because He is a Spirit, yet several portions of the Scriptures show us
Spiritual Mindedness
According to our opening Scripture, your mindedness is what determines what you get in life. To be carnally minded is death. Carnal mindedness produces death. What you think is what you get. Then it says, to be spiritually minded is
Let This Mind Be in You
It matters the kind of mind that runs in you. The kind of mind that’s in you determines how you think, your belief system, your value system, your culture and conduct, and your expectations in life. Our opening Scripture tells