The believer in Christ is not a forgiven or a converted sinner but an entirely brand-new man. The unsaved man is a wretch, but not you in Christ. You were a wretch outside Christ, but now that you are in
The Holy Spirit: Revealer of Truth
When the Lord Jesus was going to leave the earth, He told His disciples of the promise of the Father, which those who believe in Him (Jesus) should receive. Our opening verse describes the Holy Spirit as another Comforter and
God Is not the Originator of Evil
People often ask questions like: How come there is love and hatred in the same world made by a gracious and good God? How come there is good and evil? How come there is faith and doubt? How come there
Put the Devil to Flight!!!
Many believers are unaware of the spirit realm and what is going on there, simply because it’s a realm beyond the five physical senses, and it can’t be appreciated by the five physical senses. As a spirit being like God,
Walking in the Blessing of Abraham: God’s Part and Your Part
There are two sides to walking in the blessing of God: God’s part and man’s part. Our opening Scripture shows God’s part clearly, it says “I will make my covenant between me and thee and will multiply thee exceedingly.” This
Righteousness: The Blessing of Abraham!
Our opening Scripture reveals that Abraham believed God and his faith was counted as righteousness. Righteousness was the major blessing God conferred on Abraham and that was the foundation of the blessing on Abraham. It was the platform on which
You are the Seed of Abraham!
Every child of God in Christ is Abraham’s seed and an heir according to the promise that God made to Abraham. That means every Christian, every child of God has the right to claim and receive the blessing of Abraham.
Blessed with Faithful Abraham
The blessing of Abraham is all about greatness, influence, fruitfulness, and multiplication. When God called Abraham, God told him “I will make of you a great nation…” Greatness has to do with significance, it has to do with influence, it
You Are More Than A Conqueror!
As a child of God, you have the capacity to do great things for God. Apostle Paul speaking in Philippians 4:13 says “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Understand that you are not ordinary, you are
Speak the Word in Faith!
There is power in the spoken Word. In the beginning, God spoke into existence all that we see today. God called forth the things that be not as though they were already in existence; He spoke, and it was done;