Growth is a vital part of life; it is a measure of life and value. Everything living grows, and everything growing increases in value. When anyone gets born again, the first priority is to settle in Church and begin to
Prosperity Is the Will of God for You
The message of prosperity details all that Christ has made available to the believer in His substitutionary work for man. Our opening verse reveals the desire of God for our prosperity; that God wants us to prosper materially and be
Faith, Prayer and Confession
Desire is proof of pursuit. When you come to God in the place of prayer, you ought to come with a strong desire regarding the things that you want to ask. There must be expectations in your heart when you
The Operation of the Spirit of Faith
The Word of God is our life. As a child of God, your life is not apart from the Word. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed
The Divine Sight
God designed the new creation man with the ability to see beyond the physical realm. There is such a thing as the divine sight, that ability to see like God through the help of the Spirit of God. As a
Faith: The Substance and Evidence of the Unseen
Some people erroneously believe that faith is fake and that it is not real. Our opening Scripture describes faith as the substance and the evidence of things one hasn’t yet perceived in the natural realm. Substance is essence of some
Walk by Faith, not by Sight!
Faith is not abstract; it is concrete. Faith is sight of some kind, of a higher and better kind, which means you are seeing the invisible, not with your natural eyes but with the eyes of your spirit. People can’t
Believe the Word!
The gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God that produces salvation (healing, prosperity, safety, salvation from sin, peace and wholeness) to those who believe it. As a believer, you ought to believe the Word of God, for the
Delivered from the Authority of Darkness!
Redemption speaks of that which Christ has done for us by reason of His substitutionary work for man. In other words, the idea of redemption is that which speaks of paying the full price for something in order that it
We Contact God by His Word
God has given us His Word in order that we might contact Him by it. The Word is our contact with God; the Word is God’s address. When we learn the Word and live by it, God comes home to