God told Abraham to get out of his country and from his people to a land that He alone will show him. This mean that all through the journey, he will need to trust in God, simply because, if someone
The Ministry of the Word by the Spirit
The Holy Spirit is the Director of the Church. The Spirit of God knows the need of every man in Church. So, though there is a general Word preached from the pulpit to bless everyone in Church, yet the Spirit
Abraham: A Template of Faith in God and Devotion to God
Adam forfeited the privilege of carrying and extending the commanded blessing to humanity because he transgressed the commandment of God. However, God still wanted the blessing on mankind, so He began looking for a man to carry and extend the
Fruitfulness by the Blessing
Fruitfulness is one of the offshoots of the blessing. Our opening Scripture reveals how that the blessing was conferred on man at creation unto increase and multiplication. God blessed man with five major blessing points: fruitfulness, multiplication, replenishing, subduing, and
What Faith Is
Hebrews 11 chronicles the faith of patriarchs of old. Hebrews 11:2 says, “For by it (faith) the elders obtained a good report.” A good report about what? A good report about the word of God spoken to them. That means
Be Outgoing with Your Faith
Healing and health are provisions available to the believer for the taking based on the finished works of Christ. As a believer, you must understand that healing is yours; it is your inheritance in Christ. Therefore, you need not be
The Vital Connection Between Faith and the Power of God
The flow of God’s power is not haphazard. The power of God flows on the track or rail of faith; it flows in the direction of faith. It is your faith in God that directs the operation of the power
Maintain Your Confession of Faith!
Unbelief is not an asset; it is a liability. Faith pleases God but doubt displeases Him because it hinders from receiving from Him. Doubt denies the reality of the existence of God and His ability to meet our needs. The
We Are in a Word Created and Word Sensitive World
John 1:1 tells us that the entire universe was made by the Word of God. So, we live in a Word-made, Word-sensitive world. It makes sense to believe that the universe responds to the Word because it was made by
Believe and Speak the Word
There is a speaking part of faith that brings about the physical manifestation of what faith claims or believes. Faith itself is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen as yet. Faith is of the