The opening verse tells us that God confirms the word of His servant and performs the counsel of His messenger. Note what God confirms: the word of His servant. The account of creation in Genesis 1 reveals very clearly that
Grace Flows Through the Channel of Faith
The Word of faith is God’s authorized channel of communicating Grace. Grace is what God has done for us in Christ’s substitutionary work for us. God is not trying to get grace ready for us; He has already done that
Function from Oneness with Christ
When God raised Jesus Christ from the dead, He actually meant to raise us from the dead. There is no such thing as Jesus’ resurrection from the dead apart from our resurrection. Christ was our Substitute at Calvary and so
Oneness with Christ by Identifying with Him
The Gospel works whenever it is preached and believed. It is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes it. When faith is reposed in the Gospel, salvation is undoubtedly the result. The Gospel of Christ has never
The Proclamation of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Death is the most hopeless situation under heaven. Nothing can be more hopeless than death. Before Jesus came, death (spiritual) was the final verdict on man’s life and destiny on this side of the divide; it was the last bus
The Content of the Word of Faith
The opening Scripture tells us that confessing with the mouth the Lordship of Jesus and believing with the heart the resurrection of Jesus Christ results in salvation. The apostle Paul referred to this way of getting saved as the Word
The Word of Faith Produces Salvation
To become a child of God, you need to be born again. To be born again, you need to repent of your sins, confess Jesus Christ as Lord of your life and believe that God has raised Him from the
The Power of the Word of Faith
Our opening Scripture talks about the Word of faith. It tells us that the righteousness of faith, which is the righteousness of God, speaks on this wise: “the Word is near you, even in your mouth and in your heart,
Bible Faith Is Believing and Acting.
Our opening Scripture reveals how the Apostle Paul preached the word of faith at Lystra and there was a man there that was crippled from his mother’s womb, who had never walked all his life. The crippled man heard the
Engaging the Measure of Faith
Every born-again child of God has received the measure of faith from the Lord. The Word tells us that faith comes by hearing the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. So, when you heard the Gospel at salvation, faith came