Today’s opening Scripture tells us that the wilderness will become a fruitful field, and the fruitful field will be counted as a forest, when the Spirit of God is poured upon us from on high. Evidently, restoration, fruitfulness and increase
The Power of Liberality
Love is the driving force of liberality. Being abundantly overwhelmed by love is what influences your giving. Many a time, we think that people will give generously because they are rich, but it doesn’t follow. How come people who have
To Know God Is to Love Him
Today’s opening Scripture tells us that knowing God is loving Him. To love God is to keep His commandments, and His commandments are not grievous. What is God’s commandment in the New Testament? John 13:34-35 tells us that God’s commandment
Put Love First
The love of God ought to be at the centre of everything that we do. It is at the centre of every successful and impactful life. The love of God is the foundation of all the graces of God. It
In The Beginning
Happy New Year! It’s indeed a new beginning for you in Jesus’ Name. Every new season comes with new things; and every new era or dispensation begins with news. When a new discovery is made, a new dispensation begins. It
Lift Up Your Eyes
“Lift up your eyes and look on the fields, for they are ripe already to harvest” was the admonition the Lord gave His disciples regarding their attitude to evangelism and soul winning. However, before the Lord gave them that admonition,
Experiencing the Joy of Salvation
As a believer, you ought to know the joy of salvation in your life and also see it in the lives of others, whom God has helped you to lead to Christ. That joy will be in your heart when
Soul-winning is an occupation where you don’t need any special registration or qualification, other than being born again, to enter into it. God has committed to every child of His in Christ, the ministry of reconciliation. It’s your ministry! Your
The Seed of the Word
In our opening Scripture, Jesus told the parable of the sower who went to sow seeds. Luke 8:11 tells us that the seed is the Word of God, the different soils represent the hearts of men and the sower is
Soul Winning Is Agriculture
Our opening Scripture reveals Jesus likening soul-winning to agriculture. You sow the Word into the hearts of people and reap a harvest of souls. He said “…Lift up your eyes and look on the fields; for they are white already