The Word could come to you in Written or Spoken form. The “rhema” Word is the spoken Word; it is the Word sent from the Lord to you to meet a specific need. It is your custom-made Word from the
Pray Always!
In our opening verse, the Lord told a parable to the end that we ought always to pray, and not to faint. Understand that something we ought to do is very important, it cannot wait for other things; it’s a
Challenge the Status Quo
Some people blame everything they go through in life on their situation and live in all kinds of regrets. Irrespective of your situations, you can fulfil your God-given destiny. Life does not respond to wishes, it does not respond to
Make Room for Bigger Things
Our opening Scripture warns that we awake from sleep or slumber and arise from lukewarmness, and Christ will give us light. When the Word warns of certain dangers, it becomes evident that those things must be avoided with great earnestness.
Lay hold on God’s Mercy
Pursuit is the proof of desire. Any man who will receive answers from the Lord must be ready to follow through. If you want to have your desires met, you must be willing and ready to follow through and through
You Need a Guide
The faith of the two blind men in the opening Scripture began with a cry unto the Lord, saying, “Son of David, have mercy on us”. They started out with a cry of faith. They wanted their sight restored, so
Thanksgiving: A Note of Victory
God always causes the believer in Christ to triumph, and He makes manifest the fragrance of His knowledge through us in every place, no matter what. The circumstance notwithstanding, victory belongs to the child of God perpetually. Hallelujah! The opening
The Law of Confession and Thanksgiving
Very few of us have realized that our confession rules us. Confession sets the mark or limit for your faith. Your confession determines your faith life. When your confession of the Word jacks up, your faith jacks up to its
The Transitions in Abraham’s Faith Walk
What is written in the book of Romans 4:17-22 is the summary or an abridged version of the faith life of Abraham in a period of 25 years. Our opening Scripture shows how Abraham moved from ‘not weak in faith’,
Be Convinced that You Are Blessed
We are told in the opening verse that God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places. It is important to note the tenses used in this particular verse of