The Word tells us to rejoice always. God must have envisaged the different circumstances that we would go through in life before giving the instruction to rejoice always. In other words, God doesn’t want anything to stop our joy. He
Rejoicing in the Finished Works of Christ
Our opening Scripture tells us that we are the circumcision that worship God by the strength of the Spirit, and rejoice in our union with Christ, and have no confidence in the arm of flesh. Everyone that is in Christ
We Live by Grace Through Faith
Abraham had two sons: Ishmael and Isaac. Ishmael was born after the flesh while Isaac was born after the Spirit. Ishmael came forth from the natural strength of Abraham, but Isaac came as a child of promise. God made a
Circumcision of the Heart
The covenant that God cut with Abraham was a covenant that was sealed by the circumcision of the flesh. That was the seal or token of the Abrahamic covenant. At ninety-nine years of age, Abraham was circumcised, himself and his
You are Blessed Not Cursed
When man fell in the Garden of Eden, the curse was pronounced as a consequence of man’s disobedience. God cursed the ground and the system of fruitfulness, reward, and prosperity for man’s sake. So, that which ought to bless man
You are in the Jubilee
Under the Law, in the covenant that God cut with Israel by the hands of Moses, the Bible tells us that it was a shadow of better things to come. The substance of that shadow being the New Testament. Therefore,
The Right to Walk in the Blessing
When God made man in the Garden of Eden, God blessed man, saying: “Be fruitful and multiply, replenish the earth, subdue it and have dominion…” That is the conferment of the blessing on man. The blessing is the empowerment to
Love: The Rule of Engagement in the Gifts of the Spirit
The Word instructs us in the opening verse to follow after charity (love). To follow after something is to pursue it, to go after it; to be eager in the pursuit of something. So, the Word tells us to be
Speaking by the Spirit
God is a speaking God. Right from the beginning at creation, we saw the power of the spoken Word of God expressed again and again. Man was made a speaking being like God and as such, God can speak through
Knowledge of Spiritual Things in Christ
The word ‘spiritual’ in the opening verse, in Greek, is pneumatikos, which means the realm of the Spirit, or spiritual things. There is a realm or world of spiritual things; even things pertaining to the Spirit of God. This realm