Faith is expressed confidence in God and has capacity to grow. Our faith in Christ can grow. Paul wrote to the Church in Thessalonica, he said “We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is meet,
We live by Faith
Today’s opening Scripture reveals the importance of faith to us. It tells us that the just shall live by faith, which means that the Christian life is a life of faith from scratch to finish. We are justified from sin’s
We Walk by Faith
Faith is the believer’s walk. A walk is a lifestyle; it is a culture, a way of life (living). If we say somebody has a walk with God, it means the person has a consistent lifestyle with God. A walk
No Drawing Back!
Today’s opening Scripture makes it clear that those that have been justified by faith in Christ are to continue to live by faith. It further reveals that God has no pleasure in anyone drawing back from the life of faith.
We Are Justified by Faith
Today’s opening Scripture shows us that justification from sin and its guilt is solely by faith apart from the deeds of the law. What then is Justification? Justification is righteousness. It simply means rightness with God. Justification is the rightness
Now You Are Bold!
Our opening verse tells us that the wicked flee when no man pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion. Here, it shows us that righteousness breeds confidence and boldness. The righteous are bold as a lion. Justification gives
No One Can Lay Anything to Your Charge!
Christianity is not a religion; it is relationship with God through Jesus Christ. When you get born again by reposing faith in Jesus Christ, you come into a real relationship with God. You become a child of God and you
You Are Free from Condemnation!
Justification is freedom from guilt, condemnation, and the judgment of sin. Sin is a deviation from God’s normal or order; sin is disorderliness. The moment anyone reposes faith in Jesus Christ, he is justified from guilt, condemnation, and the judgement
Power of Righteousness
We have learnt what it means for the child of God to be justified. Understand that justification is a gift from God given to the child of God through faith. It is not a reward of our labour, but a
Overcoming Faith
You may ask, why faith? Why do we need to live by faith? The Bible tells us that faith is the victory that overcomes the world and everything in it. Our faith in Jesus Christ as the risen Lord and