The best way to know how things ought to be is to compare how things are to how they were originally designed or meant to be. If there is no original, masterplan, blueprint plan, we cannot tell genuine from counterfeit.
Living from the Strength of God
We are called to live a life of absolute dependence on God. We are not supposed to live by our strength, nor are we meant to struggle for any cause or reason. We are meant to live from God’s strength.
God’s Favour Opens Doors
A moment of favour is better than a lifetime of labour. There are doors in life that, regardless of how hardworking you are, are closed to human efforts and labour. Yes, it is good and important to be hardworking; however,
The Dispensation of Favour
Our opening Scripture tells us that there is such a time or dispensation or season of favour. It tells us about the set time of favour. When Jesus was born, the angels of God sang the praise of God and
God’s Favour Belongs to You
The favour of God is His manifest presence and glory on your life that makes for distinction. God’s favour on your life is God smiling on you; therefore, everything God created works for your good. The favour of God is
Accepted in the Beloved
Today’s opening Scripture tells us that we have been accepted in the Beloved. Every child of God in Christ Jesus has acceptance with God. That’s favour with God. As a child of God, you don’t need to strive to have
Who a Christian is Not
A lot of people in the world have the wrong idea of who a Christian is. Some think that a Christian is everyone who goes to Church and is committed in serving in Church. That’s not what a Christian is.
The Unity of the Spirit
Our opening verse tells us to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. It says to endeavour to keep the unity of the Spirit. What does ‘endeavour’ mean in the context of keeping the unity of
Identity of a Christian: Works of Faith and Love
No one becomes a Christian by his or her own works of self-righteousness. Good works cannot save anyone. We are saved by Jesus’ grace through faith in Him. That’s the central theme of our opening Scripture today. We don’t become
Every True Christian Hopes in Jesus’ Appearance
When Jesus was done with His earthly ministry and substitutionary work for man, and after that He had been raised from death, He promised to return back to earth for the catching up of the saints, God’s children, to abide