Abraham’s faith is a template for every believer to follow; for he lived by faith and his faith was perfected by God and set as an example for believers to follow. Abraham is the father of faith. When it comes
Soul-winning is an occupation where you don’t need any special registration or qualification, other than being born again, to enter into it. God has committed to every child of His in Christ, the ministry of reconciliation. It’s your ministry! Your
Understanding Biblical Giving
To understand biblical giving, certain questions must be answered scripturally, such as: What is giving? How are we supposed to see or understand giving? Should it be something that we do out of compulsion, necessity or grudge? Should it be
Outshining Love
The Bible tells us that God is Light (1 John 1:3), and that He is life (1 John 1:1-2); and He is Love (1 John 4:8). So, God is Life, and He is Light, and He is Love. How do
God’s Favour Belongs to You
The favour of God is His manifest presence and glory on your life that makes for distinction. God’s favour on your life is God smiling on you; therefore, everything God created works for your good. The favour of God is
The Passion of the Christian
Every child of God ought to love to fellowship with God the same way children love to fellowship with their parents. It is an innate desire in every child to be with their parents. It is unnatural for a child
God’s Ability is at Work in You
The presentation of a situation is not always a true reflection of it. Reality is not in appearance; it is in truth. In other words, things are not always the way they seem or appear; therefore, learn to think at