In life, things and season go together; time and purpose are two inseparable entities. Every season is pregnant with things that God has cut out for that season and prepared for us to birth a new phase of our lives.
Talk Your Revelation, not Your Wishes
Mark 11:22-23 reveals the teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ about faith. He teaches that if a man should say to a mountain to be removed from where it is and hurl itself into the sea, it will obey him
Giving Is Sowing
The apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 likened giving to meet the needs of others unto sowing seeds. Just as seeds are sown to reap a harvest, we give and expect God to bless us with a harvest of that
Learning What Christ has done for You
Ephesians 4:20-24 shows us the importance of learning what Christ has done for us. It says “But ye have not so learned Christ, If so be that ye have heard him and have been taught by him as the truth
Understanding the Concept of Grace
The concept of Grace borders on the totality of the Person of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ came into the world to save us and to bring us into fellowship with the Father. John 3:16 tells us that God so loved
Praying Your Revelation
It is important that you pray your revelation, and not your complaints. Many pray their needs without having a clear revelation of what the Lord has said about their needs; they pray just out of the need to have their
Making a Faith Move
Not every move is the move you need to break through and get into the next level of God’s plan for you, but a faith move is. That’s the move that produces results. God always wants us to make a
The Great Commission
The utmost reason Jesus came is to seek and to save the lost, and bring them into fellowship with the Father, through the preaching of the Gospel. When Jesus walked the face of the earth, He preached the kingdom of
God’s Faithfulness
God is a faithful God. History has proof that He is faithful; He has a robust track record that He is honest and faithful to His Word. We all are witnesses to the faithfulness of this great God. He spoke
The Power of the Tongue
The tongue sure is powerful! The Word talks about the power of the tongue. Our opening Scripture tells us of the power of the tongue. It says the tongue is powerful to cause death and life; death and life are