Hunger is a sign of healthy living. That a man feels the need to eat is a pointer to the health of his physical body. The Lord Jesus said, “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for
What God’s Word Can Do
Capital is the front head of something. The leading dimension of a group, a nation, or a body. Capital is that from which you draw resources for action or productivity; it is a source, a factor of production. In economics,
Walking Like Abraham Did
Abraham’s faith is a template for every believer to follow; for he lived by faith and his faith was perfected by God and set as an example for believers to follow. Abraham is the father of faith. When it comes
It Matters What You Think Upon
Thoughts are things in form of ideas. Just as things in the natural are treated as real and substantial, so should thoughts be treated. Your thoughts are very important to your life on the earth because they are an interface
Making the Most of Your Mind
Our opening Scripture is God’s instruction as to how to use our mind correctly. Here, the Lord gives us a list of the things to think about. It says we are to think about things that are true, honest, just,
Be Spiritually Minded
According to our opening Scripture, your mindedness is what determines what you get in life. To be carnally minded is death. Carnal mindedness produces death. What you think is what you get. Then it says, to be spiritually minded is
Possess the Mind of Christ
It matters the kind of mind that runs in you. The kind of mind that’s in you determines how you think, your belief system, your value system, your culture and conduct, and your expectations in life. Our opening Scripture tells
The Programming of Success
Everyone can succeed, if only they can learn the principles of success. There are certain principles that govern and determine success. Failure may be an accident, but success is never an accident. No one succeeds by accident. No, not one!
You are Ruled by Your Confession
A few of us have realized that our confession rules us. Your confession rules you, either you know it or not. Your confession sets the standard for you, and to your life; either a standard to rise to or one
Speaking Faith Dominating Words
Words are powerful. Words are much more than a means of communication; they are vehicles and containers, carrying realities. Your words are an expression of your character and faith, and your faith is what determines your experiences in life. Therefore,